I recently read an interview with American author Richard D. Mohr who wrote a book about Arts and Crafts pottery makers, Frank Ingerson (1879-1968) and George Dennison (1873-1966)—”The Splendid Disarray of Beauty: The Boys, the Tiles, the Joy of Cathedral Oaks—A Study in Arts and Crafts Community” (published in 2023). Mohr’s final comments in the interview made me consider “all the things worth having.”
I enjoy writing. I do not have a novel in me or even a short story. I consider myself more suited to writing essays or personal stories. I was inspired by reading Joyce Maynard’s articles in her syndicated news column, “Domestic Affairs.” It ran in my local newspaper from 1984 to 1990. Joyce wrote about her life in a simple honest manner and it felt as if she was sitting in the same room talking to me.
I wrote the anthem God Is There in the summer of 2024. One of the hardest things about writing anthems is finding a suitable text. It is more expedient to use public domain material so as not to worry about...
Some days, weeks, even months can feel monotonous and uninspired. Sometimes it is as if we are walking around in a daze–or, maybe it’s the feeling of having stepped into a deep, dark hole. If our creative senses are tired, often, all we need is something to give us focus, to inspire us, to invoke ideas—and, to help us find inspiration.
On the route I often take to work in the mornings there is a lady who stands and waits for the bus. The road is a busy, narrow, four lane with a hectic intersection where I always get stopped at the traffic light. Just to the right of where I wait on the light is a bus stop. The bus stops in the right lane between 8 and 8:15 every morning. There is a grassy strip of land next to a Walgreens parking lot where people stand waiting for the bus. It is not level, but hilly and uneven. It is a very unlikely place to see a dancing lady.
Pieces of paper are important to me. Sometimes they become a song lyric, a blog idea, or simply a reminder of a past event that is meaningful. I have often typed the phrases or sentences into the computer and printed them out . . . but, it simply, is not as much fun or evocative of that moment when I jotted those ideas down.
Scientists say that on average it takes sixty-six days for a new behavior to become automatic—it can depend on the person and the circumstances. In some instances, experts say it can take as long as 254 days for people to form a new habit. I confess that consistency has never been my strong point. However, over a hundred days ago I committed to composing music every day.
I mentioned in a previous blog, “Momentum,” that I started composing every day. Here is an update on that endeavor. As of April 1, 2023 I am on day fifty of daily composing. This small bit of creativity is a priority. I wish I could say I jump in each day with joy and vigor. Well, I am joyful on some level, but it also brings hesitations, questions, and insecurities. During the week when I work at my day job, I have little energy left. Sometimes it is not physical, but rather I feel that I have used up my brain power—my ability to think clearly or creatively. One idea that has come to the forefront in my daily composing is the idea that our limitations might be our strengths.
Maintaining interest and momentum in artistic endeavors can be a challenge. Life gets busy. Interruptions happen. Regular daily chores take longer than expected. I find my forward progress when working on a blog, a music composition, or any other creative project is easily sidetracked or even stopped.
I am fascinated with words. Words can inspire, encourage, entertain, inform, heal, or hurt. Perhaps it is the idealist in me that believes words can change the world. Sadly, sometimes words are used to mislead—witness the use of words in political rhetoric. One faction may use words to paint another group as “other” through name-calling and divisive, inflammatory rhetoric. Never mind that the words are untrue—by being spoken or written, someone will believe them. That is the power of words.
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