Letting Go
I want to be creative, feel confident in who I am, and have inner calm. I want to accept failures, learn from them, and then move ahead. Finding the path to do this and finding inner peace began, for me, with saying, “I am letting go.”
I want to be creative, feel confident in who I am, and have inner calm. I want to accept failures, learn from them, and then move ahead. Finding the path to do this and finding inner peace began, for me, with saying, “I am letting go.”
Every day can be a day of creativity. Many people say they feel more alive and are happier when they are creating. We need to create every day to build our creative muscles. It would be good to just simply dive into some project, but what doubt or fear keeps us from being creative?
Staring at a blank canvas or page can be intimidating. Can you make tangible the images, words, or notes in your head? In your mind’s eye? In your imagination? It takes courage to believe in yourself and let your true inner voice be heard.
On the night of November 24, 2006, for some reason, I decided to become a songwriter. I suppose there were many events leading to that moment, but I had not put them together until that night. At 11:26 p.m. I emailed a friend and told him my crazy idea. I thought if I really told someone—that would make me accountable and compel me to follow through with this decision.
I am a classically trained musician with a degree in organ performance and a master’s degree in music composition. I have spent my life as a church musician. In 2006 I decided to try songwriting. It has been the most wonderful adventure of my life.
The idea behind the phrase is to take small steps with an eye toward a bigger goal. I like the phrase because simply taking one small step seems easy. The problem usually occurs in actually continuing to take baby steps. I tend to want everything now.
I am a composer, singer-songwriter, church musician, and writer.
I share my compositions, songs, stories, and essays — as well as tidbits and trivia about all kinds of music.
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