I wrote the anthem God Is There in the summer of 2024. One of the hardest things about writing anthems is finding a suitable text. It is more expedient to use public domain material so as not to worry about copyrights. I love many older texts, but I wanted lyrics fresh and modern in thought and expression. I finally decided to write my own.
Why Write an Anthem
Over a year ago, on a lark or perhaps a mission, I started composing every day. It was an exercise to see if I could stick to it. After I had been writing consistently for about a year and a half, I decided to act on a request by Patrick Evans, Minister of Music at FUMC. They had done my anthem, There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy, and he asked if I had more anthems. I did not have others so I decided since I was composing every day—I should write an anthem for him.
Process of Composing
Someone asked me if I write the words or music first. I always begin with lyrics. After I have the words, then I sit down at the piano and either think of a melody or pick one out. The piece unravels from there. I often hear the music in my head, but it works together with playing the sounds on the piano. I try to broadly plan where the voices will sing unison or parts and, that too, mostly works itself out as I go.
Along the way there is crying and gnashing of teeth wondering why I even started. I can’t seem to push the process any faster than it wants to go. Certainly it helps to sit down and actually work, but after writing a few measures or lines—I know when I am finished for that sitting. Then I have to come back to it the next day.
Premiere of God Is There
Sunday, November 17, 2024, First United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama premiered God Is There. Of course, I was thrilled! I am grateful to Minister of Music, Patrick Evans; Organist, Richard Byrd; and the FUMC Chancel Choir.
Link to video here. Link to score at Sheet Music Plus here.
God Is There
In ev’ry whisper
In ev’ry whisper of the wind
Listen to the still small voice
God is there
In ev’ry wave
In ev’ry wash of the waves
Come and rejoice and be cleansed
God is there
In ev’ry song
In ev’ry song of a bird
Know the time of singing has come
God is there
With all creation
We are all gathered in God’s love
Listen and rejoice sing praise
God is there
Words and Music copyright Peg Thompson
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