Welcome to a New Year . . . I quit making New Year’s resolutions years ago after always having the same three: eat better, exercise, loose weight. I finally figured it wasn’t worth it to decide that on January 1 I would commit to those resolutions when I obviously had not done so in the past.
In researching my lineage, I found interesting stories of why and when some of my relatives immigrated to the United States. I was more surprised to find out that many arrived in the 1600s during the earliest days of our country. The following is an account of life after tragedy—of leaving behind a destroyed homeland to travel across the ocean to a new country and the promise of greater opportunities.
One of our reasons in traveling to California was to simply sit and watch the sun set over the water in the evenings. I have read that the sunset is one of the most photographed natural events in the world. And, on the ocean, the nightfall is even more spectacular—worthy of many pictures!
Every year spring delights and surprises. The joy of seeing flowers and trees come alive after the cold winter is extraordinary—and I never tire of the experience. There is nothing like spring!
Writers love language and words—especially amusing, witty, or unusual expressions. I can remember being in elementary school and learning new words. It was an aural and intellectual feast—which became a delightful, seductive pleasure. Put simply, word-lovers delight in words! There is even a name for a person who loves words—logophile, lexiphile, or lexophile. One who is obsessed with words is a logomaniac.
How many self-help books do you have on your shelves? I have generally steered away from such books, although I do have several. The question is: If self-help books really help, then why do people keep writing them? Every year there seems like a new flurry of “ideas” are touted by the latest media gurus. I am not saying they can’t be useful or helpful. I am sure they must be helpful to a degree. I have one that I keep trying to get rid of, but I can’t quite seem to put it in the donate pile. It is a book that helped me to move forward at a point when I was unable to do so.
Some days, weeks, even months can feel monotonous and uninspired. Sometimes it is as if we are walking around in a daze–or, maybe it’s the feeling of having stepped into a deep, dark hole. If our creative senses are tired, often, all we need is something to give us focus, to inspire us, to invoke ideas—and, to help us find inspiration.
I have read that according to etiquette experts it is acceptable to say “Happy New Year” for the first seven to ten days of the year. I admit, it seems odd to me to use that phrase anytime after January 1. I am rethinking that this year. I wish you a Happy New Year!
On the route I often take to work in the mornings there is a lady who stands and waits for the bus. The road is a busy, narrow, four lane with a hectic intersection where I always get stopped at the traffic light. Just to the right of where I wait on the light is a bus stop. The bus stops in the right lane between 8 and 8:15 every morning. There is a grassy strip of land next to a Walgreens parking lot where people stand waiting for the bus. It is not level, but hilly and uneven. It is a very unlikely place to see a dancing lady.
Each season has its own sights and smells. Each has its particular light, temperature, weather, and foliage. Spring may be my favorite, but autumn is especially colorful and delightful!
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