Both a Mirror and a Window
Life all around. Are we seeing a mirror or a window? Does the scene reflect who we are or does it give glimpses into people’s lives? It is both.
I believe we are all creative. I want to inspire you to make time for creativity. There is no better time to start than now and it is never too late. Let’s take the journey together!
Life all around. Are we seeing a mirror or a window? Does the scene reflect who we are or does it give glimpses into people’s lives? It is both.
The lady across the street would play “Beer Barrel Polka” on the hammond organ. The organ was in her living room and when my family walked over to visit, she always played the organ for us. I remember watching her […]
Birthdays roll around every year—yes, that is obvious. When I was young, the future lay ahead and I would imagine what being an adult would be like. I made plans for my future self. Now several decades (more than several!) later, I tend to look back as much as I look forward.
Several months ago, I was in my car and as I switched off the CD and turned the radio to NPR, I heard these words . . . or, so I thought. “In Alabama trying to toughen up baby oysters . . .”
I recently read an interview with American author Richard D. Mohr who wrote a book about Arts and Crafts pottery makers, Frank Ingerson (1879-1968) and George Dennison (1873-1966)—”The Splendid Disarray of Beauty: The Boys, the Tiles, the Joy of Cathedral Oaks—A Study in Arts and Crafts Community” (published in 2023). Mohr’s final comments in the interview made me consider “all the things worth having.”
In my day job I manage a church office. One of my responsibilities is to maintain the keys to the buildings. I keep a spread sheet with the key numbers, date the key was issued, and date returned. Recently someone moved away and returned their key through the mail.
I enjoy writing. I do not have a novel in me or even a short story. I consider myself more suited to writing essays or personal stories. I was inspired by reading Joyce Maynard’s articles in her syndicated news column, “Domestic Affairs.” It ran in my local newspaper from 1984 to 1990. Joyce wrote about her life in a simple honest manner and it felt as if she was sitting in the same room talking to me.
Character matters. My parents taught me this—not through words, but by their actions. Our family did not talk a lot. Mealtimes were for eating and other times were reserved for work or relaxation. It seemed to never occur to my family to have discussions. However, by watching how my parents interacted with people, it was evident that character and compassion were important.
Jigsaw puzzles are a way my husband and I relax. We are not always working on one. Sometimes months go by when we are not involved with a puzzle. When we are enjoying them, we may work three or four puzzles in succession.
I wrote the anthem God Is There in the summer of 2024. One of the hardest things about writing anthems is finding a suitable text. It is more expedient to use public domain material so as not to worry about […]
I am a composer, singer-songwriter, church musician, and writer.
I share my compositions, songs, stories, and essays — as well as tidbits and trivia about all kinds of music.
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